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['buːstɪŋ] n
math. تقویت
 English thesaurus
boosting ['buːstɪŋ] n
med. Using an antiretroviral ARV drug to increase the effectiveness of another ARV drug. For example, drugs in the protease inhibitor PI ARV drug class are often boosted with the ARV drug ritonavir. see also protease inhibitor
BOOST [bu:st] abbr.
abbr. Building On Our Strengths Together
abbr., auto. turbocharger boost control solenoid
abbr., mil. Broadened Opportunity For Officer Selection And Training
abbr., physiol., med. Benefits Of Oxygen Saturation Targeting
boost. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. booster
boost [bu:st] v
agric. booster

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